The visible light spectrum contains all the colors of the rainbow. At one end of the spectrum are the red shades. These have the longest wavelength and the least amount of energy. At the other end of the spectrum are the blue shades. They have the shortest wavelength and the most energy. All the colors together create white light or sunlight. Blue light is found naturally in sunlight. When the … [Read more...]
Wings of Transformation Newsletter
EMF Radiation and Cell Phone Safety – June 2018
Cell phones, cordless telephones, cell towers, Wi Fi, laptop computers, iPads, baby monitors, routers, smart meters, wireless GPS tracking systems with instant updates, Bluetooth, hair dryers, and wireless console games all emit pulsed microwave radiation, one type of EMF radiation. Pulsed microwave radiation has been shown to 1) damage DNA. 2) It can breach the blood brain barrier allowing … [Read more...]
Sugar and Your Health – October 2017
This Halloween the scariest trick-or-treater in the neighborhood will not be the ghosts or goblins but rather Mr. Sugar. He is found in the obvious cookies, cakes, candies, and sodas, but he is also found in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fruit juice, alcohol, and dairy products. Many of the “comfort foods” we desire when we are stressed, … [Read more...]
Lyme Disease Prevention Tips – May 2017
Tick Bite Prevention: May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month! Lyme Disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It can be transmitted by ticks, black flies, or mosquitoes to man. Ticks spend part of their life cycle on small mammals (mice, chipmunks, squirrels), part on large mammals (deer), and part in the grass. Reduce ticks in the grass by keeping a well-manicured lawn and … [Read more...]
Bone Broth – November 2016
Bone Broth or soup stocks have been around since the Stone Age. These soups were typically made from bones, shells, and left over vegetables. Our frugal ancestors utilized every portion of the animal, allowing nothing to go to waste. Often these soups were left simmering over the fire all day, serving as a quick and filling meal. They were our original “fast food”. They were also portable and … [Read more...]
Nature Therapy – September 2016
Nature Therapy Fall is a great time of the year to connect with nature. Orange pumpkins, vibrant fall leaves, crisp air, hayrides, and colorful mums all instinctively speak to our soul, begging us to go outdoors. But did you know “nature time” has been shown to improve health and prevent disease? Green Therapy, Nature Therapy, or Ecotherapy, as it is referred to, has been studied by … [Read more...]